Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

RPL does not apply to this course as it is specific to pole dancing and is based on the most recent research / literature.

We are aware that some participants will have existing qualifications, skills and industry experience or have another formal movement-or science-based qualification(s) from Australia or overseas

Full participation, attendance, logged self mastery and assessment are still required as they are specific to this course and the ability to apply the learned content

Reassessment procedure

Students who do not meet the 70% pass mark for an assessment are able to re-sit or resubmit part or all of the assessment

Students will be provided with feedback on areas requiring additional learning and guidance on where improvements can be made

Students can be reassessed within 1 month time-frame either online or face-to-face

  • Theory exam must be competed again in full - questions will be unchanged
  • Written assessments can be reassessed with changes made as per feedback
  • Practical assessments - if only one or two sections require attention (e.g., score of 0 or 1) the relevant section/s can be retested.
  • For practical assessment 2, if they are unable to meet requirements for one move they will be given one alternative move within the same assessment session. If they still require extra learning they will have the option to re-sit another time.

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